Thursday 6 June 2013

Packing a suitcase.... Bag Lady Style!

I am due to go away on a cruise on Saturday and it go me thinking about packing! Love it or hate it, we all have to do it. I have friends who are pros at packing the ultimate capsule wardrobe, and others who follow the 'throw it all in and hope for the best' method!

I aspire to have a nice collection of packed items that are beautifully matching like this!


But unfortunately it more often that not ends up like this!

I am a terrible packer! I don't throw it in or succeed in having a capsule wardrobe, I pack too much or too little!
I get very stressed out that I may have forgot the important items. My must pack items are-
Make Up
Make Up Wipes
..................................and the list goes on and on and on and on!!

So my resolution for packing this holiday time round is to be calm, cool and not get stressed! Prepare clothes and pack what I need and not my entire wardrobe! I have been known to pack 18 outfits for a 5 day holiday! Ha!

There are formal attire nights on our cruise so I have a evening dress to pack. I also will be packing my husbands case and need to get a suit/tux in!

Wish me luck!!! (I think I may need it!)



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