Wednesday 5 June 2013

Super easy Chocolate Muffin Recipe! Yummy!

I love baking and tried a new recipe the other week for muffins. I changed a few things to make them into CHOCOLATE CHIP FUDGE CURLY WURLY MUFFINS! So yummy!

This makes 12.


1 egg
120ml Milk
4 Tablespoons of Vegetable Oil
180g of Plain Flour
50g Cocoa Powder
100g Caster Sugar
3 Teaspoons of Baking Powder
1/2 Teaspoon of Salt
1 Curly Wurly chilled in fridge
80g of Chocolate Chips
80g of Fudge Pieces
Muffin Cases

Mix the egg, milk and oil together with a fork to break up the egg.

Add the flour (I don't bother to sift mine!)and cocoa powder, caster sugar, baking powder and salt into the above mixture and stir well until there are pretty much no lumps.

Add in the chocolate chips (holding a few back to go in after) and add the fudge.

Break the curly wurly into small pieces. If you have kept it in a fridge it will break easily if not cut it up carefully! Add into mixture.

Mix it all together.

Spoon into 12 muffin cases so that they are 2/3 full. If you over fill them the muffins will spill out.

Sprinkle the rest of chocolate chips into the cases and put in pre heated oven (180 c) for 20-25 minutes.


They should be golden brown on top and have gone hard on top. Put a knife into a few to test them and there should be no residue on the knife.

Take them out and let cool. They will be hot!!! Be careful!

Yum yum!

Then enjoy!!

They will be gooey and chocolatey and light!




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