Wednesday 17 July 2013

Royal Baby Cambridge.... my love of our monarchy

It was Friday 29th April 2011 that saw a new generation (me included) celebrate a joyous occasion that filled us all with the royal bug. It was the wedding of William and Kate. It was a magical day filled with excitement, love, parties, celebrating and cheers all around as they said there I do's (or I will as it actually is in the UK).
I held a party for some close friends and family, but enjoyed the wedding with my then fiance and shed more than a few happy tears and oohed at her dress as she stepped out the car. Even my now husband shed a tear (not that he would admit it), which proves everyone loves a good wedding.

It is now mid July 2013 and we are awaiting the arrival of a little baby Cambridge and I cannot wait! Royal mania seems to have set in again (at least for me it has) and I have purchased the usual plates, napkins, cups and banners with the British flag on them. I have my Victoria Sponge ingredients sat in the fridge waiting to be whipped up into a yummy creation and friends on speed dial.
But why do we get so excited? 

For me it is the excitement of being witness (not directly with the birth obviously) to a great moment in history. In 1982 and the 1984 the world witnessed two royals being born and everyone was in awe.

Our parents talk about the day the babies were shown to the world, and how they knew these young men were going to be a important figure in there lives.
Well that is how I feel about the upcoming birth of the Prince or Princess Cambridge. This child will one day be our King or Queen. They will most probably adorn stamps, coins and notes we will use everyday. They will be in our lives forever and adorned in history forever. And to me that is all very exciting!

It is also a showcase of the love between William and Kate. The old fashioned values that they have lived by so far. The beautiful wedding after dating for a long time. The time they spent together before having a baby. And now awaiting the arrival of the completion of there family.

So I say hang the buntings, pour the Pimms, cover your house in Union Jacks, whip up a Victoria Sponge and celebrate this soon to be very exciting day. Enjoy the times in life that you will one day look back on and think- oh that day.....yes I remember...our King/Queen was born.

Rule Brittania




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